Tuesday, June 24, 2014

the new Jack Benny

Red foam nose and/or money…I've come to a place of avoidance.
money at arms length, it can't come closer

please stop stinging me.
I'll swat and I have no desire to give in to violence
so I avoid?
this seems the hardest plan to date
its a cross roads where needs must pour forth...and in
at the same time
shoulders mount with tension and wage war with the rest

weary back hitting wave after wave
pulling out when truth sours
I've polluted the waters...

this time was better

it was better in my head.
it was better when the shoes fell like dice.
it was better at the end, because the start was far too torrent.
it was better when you stopped running…your brain caught up.
it was better when I changed from one place to the next.
                                                and one foot to the next.
it was better when she came stringless with power, it freed you up.
it was better to be freed by your sister, as I was cuffed from solutions.
it was better when you saw it was over and looked at me with his eyes.
it was better to be seen than thought wrong of.
it was better when we rolled down the hill laughing in the grass...

and awoke
in separate beds
on separate continents
by separate loves

of singular vision.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


I have really lost keyvoon kahn...wait, po.
I could see in her eyes how I had lied to you.
and I am sorry.
I'll do my best to re-write this ship

Friday, June 20, 2014

tu nu intelegi

clever key finder, but its the wrong lock…
and switch
I melt with heated anger because of the elevation.

Weeping as i map out the turns and the silences, the weighty silences!
dragging me down because I'm slow enough to latch onto.
I'm sorry for what I've done to you.
It was a miss use of your time and deduction skills
you were so close to the truth as to prevent it all and yet drove in circles

let me free from your cuffs of misconception…
my demand only grows in strength and this pending ending must not
that is, needs must find smooth transition to bring joy.  my primary export.

this sound track clips at the wings and we find the lower levels have less wind
until the bottom rush flips everything upon the ear…what way could this end?

weak and withered…i'll be alone.

with only one string

it will be best to wrap up in it

the write it
(fight it! whispers from fists that know whats coming
and thanks be to those skills that remember as the brain pauses in over load.
the end is)

Friday, June 13, 2014

hand forcing

I wish I could trust you, for her sake.
I could tell you of the kiss I gave
and then received in return…
but you would weaponize the truth into fact.

It was a sweet goodbye
             (the glitter persistently holds a place
though shifted from lip to skin)
like the perfect dominoes, it keeps falling into place.

i'm rounding out of this, don't give me those sunglasses.
you don't seem to see that we will need your hair in the end.
I'm sorry for what I have done to you.
Maybe i sharpen your knife while complaining that you have one.

Please, for her sake, just let this go.  I have no hands to be hurt,
no sleeve for my heart, so you can be sure its safely caged…in bone.

there will be a time that wrings turn gold, but for now I keep the towel wet

with shower water.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


And I ran because I could not remember
It was written right there beside me.
I ate in a manor that finds a smooth corner
I slept in a manor that let's the air out.  
Two wheels running in cycle
And a sequence eroding ground
Terra-firma..."that is not"
The street oozing down the drain with flowing rain.
Let's be cautious about the maneuvering thrusters.
The end surface in approaching rapidly

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


breaking out of wet laundry baskets.
its putting two things together that don't belong.
its running the field and making muffins from spare parts.
paper lanterns glow in my head and the back hand is face front.
the glow shrinks.
the shrink glows brighter in concentration and I
I'm constantly sure of the glory of love
out strips, out shines, out does all others.
i'm circled out of time to the looping side bubble.

Make me whole.  Make me parts of the whole…
you'll be shocked to feel the draw down.
be sure to square the drain, it's more angular.