Wednesday, December 31, 2014

take and taker

one and the same with two sides that each have two sides.
I write in-between the pauses and the break neck speeds keep out the lead
or the ink
that defensive substance that keeps us confused because it is found between

the space between…there is something there
                                                                         in the space between

as before I knew of the hidden nature and how my invasion had pushed boundaries.
yet I now see how it is ground that needed tilling, and I'm Edward Scissor Hands.

wrap this up, because time is leaking faster than it is pouring in…

and its pouring in like never before.


trap door and unwritten
have to run down the bone and its unnatural.
falling down to reform the new
feed that new
        that need for the new
change no matter what the alter
no matter what was on the alter
no matter what is altered on the alter

Saturday, December 27, 2014

It's hitting

Now and hardly.
There are steps down from where your intention lands, but we manage.  We journey together as upwards as we can.
There is no failing in this case.  And I am free because of it!
His will hit harder but what I don't know is the resulting ripples running from the center. May hap's the works are well oiled for such hard work.

There is a clearing up ahead and each one shall be happy of the outcome!  This is said with a greater strength than all others today.  Many thanks to the set up crew and a winky face.  And now is wings! 

At last!!

Friday, December 26, 2014


It is true that I know what you are thinking, yet I can not explain to you how it is that this works.  As if your face broadcast everything with tiny muscle movements.  I wish I could explain it, but in the end...we don't even speak the same language. This is not a test for you, so keep flying. Do not land thinking this place is ready made.  We are under construction
                Lots of construction.

And it is I that must thank you.  While I showed you safety and your own future, what I gained was the magical tonal quality of your musical laughter.

Be diligent

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

far off du nu nu nu nu nu nu nu

Was this thunder long over do?

caged over and slick fit for loud typing
but what is it that lies underneath that makes me think I'm hearing….the far off

rumble and hiss that swats away a serious amount of milk.
the suit is not worth saving, just take out your new found fancy
this running trip will turn out a journey worth failing for.
the end is further off than you think so just get out of bed.
and make it sooner.  the other side is closer that you want.

crispy takers or, is it talkers

The fire burned hire and so we have form of the substance that makes me tiered.
This makes me want to wink at the idea because the whispers from the back seat drown out the fact the meanies.  The cup of tea and Barbara.

Thank you so much though ping and pang ripples sound waves in my already echoing head
I'm so full the waste is oozing out of my shoe laces…

Stop it.
              I said STOP.  IT.
I can hear what you are trying to do and you are wrong and so far off page because what I said was true and what was written is the most truth but that is what is under cats paws and these ones and zerbos are of other dimensions that leak

please ask
please believe the wrong thing to be just that.
please know that i already know so much that i need you to tell me with your own words.
I heard facts from other peoples spare words, they have such little control.

i might make a dollar…
come on find targets that matter and land one chimo pill or carbon monoxide tube
and the piano sounds like rain drops not to mention the way the vocal sounds warble.
Its like wind through the best conductor.

I crave these candies to sleep and I've done this all with purpose

thats some sub-level stuff right there...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Thief once again

the sound of "jets emitting faint error round sound over Northbrook"
with a pig latin type twist. I'm fog fitting

(and the bass cuts out to see gritty norms)

Holy is outside wrapping to get in and i…
c'var bishul…
This swirl of undoing, staying SO stagnant.
reroll the income.  our out flow can be out weighed.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


What does it mean to love? Am I doing it wrong?  Is it supposed to hurt this way?  I am at a very low grade of commitment here also, so what happens when the stakes change?  As boxes fill in, am I really packed into this corner? are there answers? am I left only to question?  Will it help if I force a switch to the declarative?  And is that even possible?

I'm trying to scrape out the deep decay that rooted its way down deep, but maybe i should give the scalpel to the surgeon?  Has the anesthesia limited my range of motion?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


And we embark on a down hill we did not for see.  This trickle down fits out  and filters up into a bloom filled with colors that we don't even know are a part of us.