I don't understand why you trust me
with your heart
and I don't understand why you trust me with my future
and I don't
and I understand
and I don't understand you
and I don't trust me with my future
strive and strife
Shall I name them?
am i looking at onion peels?
I can see what was left of one decomposing
I should tell you about her
pin strait and fine of vision
I blur the line for the high hope we have for him
despite the hopes the boyful boy has dashed on my front steps
daylightrunsinthefamily. did you know that?
Did I trust you with that?
and this is when you ask where my void is
and I tell you it is beying filled and you tell me you have that shipment of music to fill it and I weep for shame of the con-gress I pursue.
Why won't you tell me of that shipment? i ask the air
I dismiss the answer it gives as misleading. lazy lying humid air.
shall I beat or bite?
I'll stir the flames, dig deeper this void.
I'm not throwing you, but placing you.
and I hope it throws me
into place...
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