Friday, September 2, 2011

pollution II

I spoke of sound pollution and I believe it is a serious issue.  people are not listening and it is only getting harder to hear from all the excess noise.  but this is not the only pollution that we inflict upon ourselves.  this next area I explore may sound rediculous to most of you.  It's called light pollution.

and it has warped our understanding of where it is from which we come.

But light is good, yes?  if we did not have light we could not see.  That much is true, but to much of a good thing has caused a cancer in our culture.  Street lights, 24 hour parking lot lights, big cities and stadiums.  While they light what is below them quite well for what it is we want to see,  it also pumps an invisible shield over us.  Invisible as in we can't see it and yet it also makes what is beyond the shield...dimmer.  or less interesting. or less important.  or over all less.  We miss it and people have spent there entire lives with no knowledge of what is going on over our heads.  Those of us that have spent time in an unpopulated or minimally populated place have looked up after the sun sets and something happens. We are effected in a way movies can't.  In a way theatre can't.  in a way nothing else can.  The lights we use as tools to finish our work we cant finish in day light, have taken away an experience with no substitute. we've tried fire works, candles, small light bulbs, led or otherwise and we failed with all of them.

once in a while, unplug your self for a day and
go far away and
look up

there is another socket to plug into up there

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