Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Uncle hood

   I was reminded I have begun to miss out on birthdays.  This is only impacted more by missing the first birthday of my sisters first.  Though I am geographically much closer, I am busy with rather important paper work that prevents me from traveling.  That being said I am so happy to be an Uncle that I want to figure out a way to make myself relevant.  Even if its only a little.  Long distance relationships, I never thought I would want to work so hard on them!

  In other news I'm moving a little north in a few days.  Where you ask?  I'm not sure yet but that will be quite the adventure.  I'm sure a wealth a writing material will be gained in the process.  I'm off to start my day!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

friends with words

I endeavor to do better with this.  A few weeks ago I blogged at the beach and enjoyed it.  Yet the distance to cary it and danger of a computer that close to sand and salt water are also good deterrents.  I struggle to find a daily routine, but that is to be expected when the days are always so different.  There is a measure on the horizon that will help curb this: Language learning!  I am enrolled in a class that will begin in the middle of next month!

I am very thankful to my friend SuShi for encouraging me with comments and overcoming the repeated aggravation of "robot security" to do so. And I must also thank Mancub for the great videos and continual inspiration to keep pressing on as he and Kitfox are also doing.
(sorry Kitfox, couldn't find a url for you)

Monday, March 19, 2012


oh but that is your intellectual property and what would happen if you found out one day that you had put it out and all the while they were taking from you with out your knowing it. I'm half way through reading the book with out punctuation and it is good.  It made him cry.  was it the film or our last film. rage? maybe at my sheer lack of outingness.  I stay in? I am...idle?
fire burns with in and though it may consume me I fear it not.  bring on the transformation, chemical or other wise.  I'm in for change.  I'm in for new.  Death is no stranger and as I'm already dead, nothing can kill me.  I'll live in these new things and walk out failures stumbling.  The bend draws nigh and just around it is more than twizzlers can bring and I am weeping to get to this land as the land gets to me...just give me that card.

I'll use it as a prop

Thursday, March 15, 2012

one month

How I got by an entire month with out acknowledging it was an entire month I do not know...but now it has been done.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

a working cure for poor links

and these words as i sit secure in a public cafe.  how do you get the little mark above the 'e'? we are off to a start great or other wise.  I have intent to run with this while the upload take it time and runs down the available bandwidth.  having a slow trigger finger for photos makes also for a delayed back up response.
I hear that a cell was off and a servant was caught unaware of Papas fiery phone calls.  the fault lying on my cross country shoulders I am left with naught but to put it in greater hands than mine.  I have no ground to stand upon as I do not intend to return.  I hope you can understand this, as much as you bait me I'll just walk strait on.  Word.  so that was like double talk because i meant it for more than one person.

and what about page breaks at in opportune times?  u turn? Not so much

Zit brake for words with friends make a good connection to have when you are only a few clicks away and I can't be there like I have been and I don't know how to deal with such a lack of...c o n e c t i o n
is that how it is to go? I rush to a triple letter score and both screens go blank.  who else can i web out to? I want feelers spread out for a quick reaction time.  let no light be on me that can not be reflected.  in all things and in all things
wings take the place of unsettled jello. but once settled un carved by pressure one way or the other...I must to make a full list of the numbers intended for each of these.  then reaching will be in ease and dance upon my finger tips.  jig or otherwise.

Monday, March 12, 2012

at home

Am I really at home and on Wireless?  oh wow...the possibilities! I'll be able to keep up with The Big Bang Theory!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Open letter to David Crowder

I found this and want to help get this to Mr. Crowder and the band.  cut and paste, or link, or what ever it takes.  Lets get this in front of the guys! :

Dear David,

       I once waited in line for quite some time to tell you one simple phrase:

"You made me sing."

While I have been grateful for your artistic expression, and it has been a part of my life and walk, I did not want to approach you with any unwarranted familiarity.  I just wanted to give you the basics and I was able to boil it down quite nicely.  If I do say so myself.

      Yet now I have more to say and while I can boil it down almost as far I can not think of any venue where in I will have the opportunity to share said message.  So I turn to the internet?  There is some chance this will find its way to you through links and such.  So here is the statement and I pray it encourages you and builds you up in this new chapter of your life:

"You make my beloved kid sister sing and for that I am thankful in excess."

The very basic words are here though the misty eyed emotion in speaking it will have to be inferred from this context.

Many thanks for your time and service to our King!
(Please share this with the whole band)

Friday, March 9, 2012

quiet progress

I wrote this morning that I feel as though I am in a war between paper and screen.  wifi being the fulcrum everything teeters upon.  who uses the word fulcrum?  did I use it right?
I have had spotty access to the wifi but I still want to improve my documenting of my journey. (i'm reminded and inspired by my friends at AT) And if I am going to move into an actual documentary of climbing Masada, I must get diligent and deliberate about it all.
I'm off to the beach to see how many people are still in costume.
You three have a lovely day!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

as promised...

due to the lack of wifi at the beach I'll have to cut and paste this later.  As I mentioned very early this morning, I writing at the beach today.  As I walked by the sunbathers and costumed I contemplated the sand.  How the sea water flows over it, and through it.  Sometimes building it up, and others shifting it away.  I collected some sea glass.
How much sand does it take to make a glass bottle? And how much  time does it take to turn that bottle back into sand?  The glass I was able to find was all green with the exception of one white piece. One of the pieces looked like the state of Georgia.  

Don't you think?

I enjoy this.  writing with the minimal idea of an audience…or is it the idea of a minimal audience?
Should I make an effort to establish part of my day as only for writing?  I should jump at the chance.  I have the time right now.  Am I apprehensive about what will leak through?  I think this might be it.  Always the desire to protect myself and remain shielded.  

seems like I hear horns calling for these walls to come down.  And while Jerico come to mind, so does Susans horn...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A welcome...

Hello and welcome.

I've doubled my followers!  Welcome Sun and Shield.  It is far to late write a piece now but I will do so tomorrow.   Maybe at the beach as I gaze across the Sea seeking to embrace the reality of my current somewhat solitude.  'Twill be my first posting from the ocean side!  'Tis a must then, as I walk south to harvest sea shells and maybe some sea glass, I'll talk out a posting.
Thanks SuShi for the inspiration!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


They are the best!  I am finally able to call people via wifi!  it has been so good to talk to people!  This is going to be an AWESOME week!  and Purim is just around the corner!  got to go work on my costume!  So many !'s
I must be pretty excitable right now...