Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A welcome...

Hello and welcome.

I've doubled my followers!  Welcome Sun and Shield.  It is far to late write a piece now but I will do so tomorrow.   Maybe at the beach as I gaze across the Sea seeking to embrace the reality of my current somewhat solitude.  'Twill be my first posting from the ocean side!  'Tis a must then, as I walk south to harvest sea shells and maybe some sea glass, I'll talk out a posting.
Thanks SuShi for the inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. You are most welcome for any inspiration. Much thanks for a shout-out (I'd never considered how my title could be shortened to a word resembling mostly uncooked seafood that has our nation in a craze....). :) And apologies for a belated comment. I need to keep up with my subscriptions more often.

