Saturday, April 14, 2012


 membrane so thin
I'm growing weary.  Is this wait on my shoulders evidence of deep hearted warnings?  support from so many miles loses timing in potency.  Tricky fingers tap away at tricks and I once again hold from the danger pattern.  Sheltered in my perfection filter cocoon, I see the sketch though fog.  guide my steps in one way.  As this turns to thick butter with in I must trust in the end.  I will trust in the end.  I'll bend in a way to bring beauty to the One.
My arms kept free, I can swing with open hands!  progress is merely moments away!  Life plans come together...what letter comes after "z"?
Deep spring of joy out waits the double meaning I apply and I laugh with out intention.  There is no moment nor craft nor skill I can use to carve out joy.  All else I can build from scratch, but joy...uncharted flow source from before time began.  I am unmade without it.  I am more free when I can't see. Blind me as long as you my ears can hear the way to go,
I'll follow.

1 comment:

  1. Nice journal entry. You always write in such a way that allows me to guess as some things without knowing the whole picture. It's a good game. I enjoyed your poetry in this post especially. :-)
