Tuesday, May 1, 2012


so some times i wake up and then with little agenda is see an open book with which I can fill my day and today is a day like that day. this is a all fodder for the coming long term work where we take buckets of paper and ship them to the da da blender.

it strike me as funny that as advanced as my computer is that it has no knowledge of major movements in literature, but it sure wants to correct my spelling

I'm eating dinner and at the right moment a neighbor turns the corner and runs back. so we went hunting with full bellies.  found  more than one with celebratory joy spilling out with song.  I join in as is my custom.

count down is unbelievably heavy  and draws me to a proper boundary line.  with said line below in unsaid field (though it is being sung of in many a song) what is to hold me back from fezzik cliffs ?  hundreds of smaller hands with a small invisible thread create a drag coefficient that pushes me forward to work with intention.  It is our difference in philosophy that draws additional threads to breaking points but that heals faster than we can break at it.  it is a deeper root than can be pulled out. There is one root winding in the most direct way.  Our crooked eyes distort it to our crooked view and our crooked hearts act out our crooked views.  and for this reason I am thankful that hands greater than mine are able...willing...with purpose.

time to walk and
loosen some mud clumps

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