Thursday, May 31, 2012


And we are marching right down into it. the wrap up to a  second high makes for such glorious potential.  I wait with abated breath for the coming days of new adventures.  two weeks make another mid month type payment option.  I'll have some time to myself and maybe some to share with another, but this is too public a forum to declare the long term goals of such an unstable new born type.  I speak with great understanding but I understand very little from the broadcasting capabilities of surrounding towers.  though I translate more than I should and I wonder if my direct line has been realigned.  How can I see these pictures of mechanics out side of my experience.  I look for the long distance to grow something with in that is thicker.  Allow for the right conditions for depth and ringing high notes that stretch the neck line of a new born ballerina.  How can this be?  how can the music change like that and in that way?  I don't understand why or how but why is not something that I seem to care about in any way.  I slip into a foot trap that drags me upside down before it places me right on my feet again but in an unknown land with an unknown language.  I have been told I speak it all so well but I don't always know what I am saying....oh wow

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