Sunday, August 24, 2008

alter expectations


as time is short
I've not time to court which
word will work best.
But based on last nights dream, goodbye's will hurt
but the hurting is no hinderance to hitting, and that hard.
the closeness becoming distance and rightfully
so long
and drive safely and
sleep well
drive safely but don't sleep.
keep eyes open, recording and ready.

and I'll see you on my way out, when all will spout and poor forth
to translation point.

Friday, August 8, 2008

pending pending pending

I once had an asignment in college. Okay, I had many but there was this one that sticks out to me right now. I had to write a responce to an absurdist piece for a theatre class. I turned it in late, (big suprise) but I still got an A. this was because I wrote my responce in the language and form of the piece in question. it was absurd. Though I still love the absurd I have not found much comfort with my absurdity in the world of the written word.

My computer does not quite function at its peak right now. I have some very helpful friends that are working hard at fixing this and for this I thank them. (or will thank them when I see them...okay I'll likely have to call them...) This limits my access to the world wide web ergo my time on facebook has been limited.
the benefit:

that which is pending has bcome urgent.

this is true for a few areas of my life recently, and this is in some ways the center of all of them:

in regaurd to my comfort level with absurdity and my skills in writing:
to make the difficult, customary.
then make the customary, easy.
then make the easy, beautiful.

I'm in difficult.