Monday, May 30, 2011

Sky Fall

"two months till sky fall" and I pressed jean wrinkles behind my palms.
and the sky began to fall in its year long decent.  I went into hinding
with a camera at every corner.  newsfeed on full blast so I unplug the ear phones.
I'm caught mid fall by branch or bow, and now having caught some breath, bow or branch breaks.
Down falls the one out the corner as He is unwise in Perelandran eyes.
So weeks away from and end these few days set up the slope.  I hope we ride this out
(you know that news cuts deep at my feet)
in the line of why, I want fire
my path has pause points, but you root to rewind?  I find when I mention said tension
we result in suspension.  I'm tired of loosing all of you
(and I'm the one cutting strings?) take time with that. Stat inaccurate. Rate of speed seeds me wrinkle handed, but not with age. The stage set for reading my mind in one sense. Hence forth I'll stray from this form.
(Please let me stray from this form......)