Friday, February 14, 2014

A red foam nose.

I'm over extended hear...
Foundational bricks kicking out to be beaten into place!?
Hiding in plain sight. The smoothing out of an under tow
To powerful to fight. 
Salt and light poor in. 
I am without and needed
I am destitute! Come save me oh G-D!
I am unworthy, but you LOVE me! I don't see how, 
But you fill me to over flowing!

Friday, February 7, 2014

like the moon

Like the moon has had its turn
so now do I grow weary of these dream.
short of length and diameter perfect for cutting.

but its forbidden
while bitter seems to dominate the only way out is to fully push in.
and my shoulder hurts from pushing, so i run amuck of grand plans.
I'll sleep standing or something like that.

tucking into corner
i nest. and hopefully to that which is new.

I see you stew in the corner and think of what can be
but you don't see the layers are folded
yes, I am clear, but I still distort with glasses width.
'Tis not with desire that I convulse at every turn.
In fact I yearn for peace, but not just my own.
so CHKN that! Draga, sora.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


tasted bitterness as the returning dignitaries rebuffed my theory of care for local health.
I thought I could be done with milk man duties.
I am done, but not in the best way

running outside the fences
and digging holes that aught be filled,
I'm making future trouble, but mostly for me?
not really needed? I've seeded tracks of land.
Irrigation and blue prints and all for the wrong crop!?


I know nothing and simply have faith of what dreams may.
Stay here for now in no motion...

"taste and see that the L-rd is good."

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

behold the descending...

Look! What comes down..
foot ways

I come to set this strait and stop the false.
accusations of running out.
They are not fitting and much is true in the opposite spacing.
So why are there these parts running out? what is it that finds traction?

I'll seek all and the best for your joy, you need only ask.
and I thank you for not asking, because I know also that you don't want.
to bring what one does not want is wasteful.
I am unsatisfied with waste.

tasting light green and red
with thick skin and tap cleaned.
I  am ready for my lack of chair to be pulled out.
Or would I be more fluted to find a seat there all along?