Sunday, March 31, 2013

Because I know that one more is one the way...

I can say this!
This is worth it.
Yet she is so far gone, I weep to listen.
Her image is more than two dimensions, but she's been fooled.

There is treasure, and so much, just at the surface.
and worth it all!
She is not angry and this give me joy.

that a boy, that a boy

Saturday, March 30, 2013

and with

those rounds done we peek in the peak.
I pack rice translates as comedy.

I see that phrase of notes lingering in the atmosphere.

to much sugar softens the soles of my feat.
you can sea that that ran
these hand clappings sound like leaves.

I need the sway to know
I need the way to snow
I seed the nay to now
they've grown...
glowing green in the craned camera angle
...they've grown

Thursday, March 28, 2013

So now

leg hurts
must go  to park
delivery time
With audio holding

This lasting roundness
curb at every corner, at every corner.
the hunt is long since past
I'm outside the party,where my best work gets done
where the work I'm most proud of gets done.
due to measured results.
(the inside is bigger than the outside)

I am wrong, though I strive not to be such.


I have fallen and that behind.  I seems to me that there is no recovery but that is very much a wrong way reminder
to find her I must look yet my eyes are shut tight
no light can make it through and I am happy to be
yet is this a set up? have a hobbled my own advance?
can any of this translate to a place of true being?
I ask many questions.
and I choose to make them statements.
the change is well respected and liked!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What a day

Ahead of me is a near marathon of new territory.  What a strange and wonderful place I have been brought to!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

from TA

Here I am, almost lots after the time.
I did the parts and had hyper focus on few.
what is tomorrow to hold?
4-6 working weak, but...
you see that going is the right way.
and the way is the right end!

point making is well intertwined.
the network runs under the doors
and then over the window.
So you can see what it is...
It is time. and that unraveled!

sit back and ride out the enjoyable evening ;)

Thursday, March 14, 2013


This is the time for hitting out past my bound
That Russian girl has a boyfriend, so my class mates can back away...
It is all that is being pushed of these last few times.
and I think these parades are weighing on my feet.
my oh so heavy feet.

so you asked me of my family
so I'll tell you

Why am I so afraid of speech at times.
these times are like smoldering baked goods
the roof of my mouth is burning
and I force consumption.

where is the place I can be intentionally forthcoming?
oh, I see...its forthcoming

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

pope-ing around

I was 2 degrees away from the last Pope...just found out it is still true!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

the Germans

They came a hunting for some absurdist poetry and found this blog
I was raided in historic ways
(not just todays)
We'll see as the wind takes a good solid look
the crumble hits the flooring

my feet slide down upon my hands and we flint out.
no fires fit inside my pockets so we'll have to eat it fresh
apples need no grilling anyway

so this will be the time found
under rocks and socks
and soon to be moved in whole

the map is showing red shirts
and the hands are shaking.

Monday, March 11, 2013


A pure numbers game is easy to fake
 but I respect you more than that.
I'll shield you from this form.
I'm far to edged in expectation.

and it is the look
that look of the gifted.
the face of the one receiving...caries...
currents further down stream.
it takes me further away and now we have context to prove it.

I'm off to a beach zone for the enjoyment of what we will find in the sand
and out of the sand.  This is my hand put to plastic of thin and inkable nature.

I thank you all
for the time spent and I wish for faces so i could read what you see here.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


the closeness is cornered and all the way across
no hope for that help, so we'll see how spaced we become.

I see spice as well as fouls peppered along the growth pattern
At what point will the flood gates break?
Am I able to eat much more?

While I am ravenous for the next
I need time to floss out these new threads
and thread out these old ways

like a always there old weed
we need to filter out these soup like failings
and thats our time
have some girl scout cookies and a glass of bovine mammary secretions.

(did that ruin it for you?)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I'm almost done moving to a new apartment

what freedom this will bring!  New season!

Monday, March 4, 2013

There are

A new found freedom
even the smallest of lies can start a downward spiral
concrete blocks break in the expanding ripple effect.

No coping with your harsh placement.  My skin burns.
ears fall from enjoyment and distance is what we come to
Nor do we find it likely that this string will hold...
soup cans are substandard

Like a child running his tiny mouth
your legs hit coffee tables and glass shatters.

With boots of substance, I march my things down the stairs.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Because the movement of the red out

many months and my words hit a joyous pitch because


I follow through.  I am not the one that does all things but I am joyous to do some!  Still fighting to the degree, but side ways reminders inch me more-ward.

I'm looking for that perfect two hour minute to fill with short seconds of snips.
the blessings fall as requested
and beaming
I sleep

Friday, March 1, 2013


I have not posted here all month!

So sorry, for the horrible pun that is...

We'll hit this up in a better way when the home work gets done.

the flights seem to be made on time with early arrivals and such.
the cards play out
and I am joyous to see joy play across your face...