Sunday, August 8, 2010

sanity help

Shalom front runner,

You shan't likely read this, yet at some time you may? just match up names and dates and times...
Sorry for the outside reference but the "eyes the size of snow" has no fit here. so I ask for help in one way but the response is all the help I need. content only giving me some leads, but just please respond. My great problem is so much in my head and I have no funnel to filter it out, a release valve. I see you in many places. I think of you at my best times and in the best ways. With out making mountains, you are a key. for me, in some way. I'd like to say great and lofty things but, foundations bust on bounding unchecked. Unwrecked is the goal to which I aspire for both spire as separate end points can be rightful. oh you snail, your stamps so slimy. the cost is great yet unrelated to the fee. Oh so careful pay out in the end, and greatly so, but the hear and know has gawtten fullled with statick. wolves and little Lillian Hellman make for unfortunate abstacles. to a descent as I go forward in waiting
your reply from the front lines...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I don't understand why you trust me
with your heart
and I don't understand why you trust me with my future
and I don't
and I understand
and I don't understand you
and I don't trust me with my future

strive and strife
Shall I name them?
am i looking at onion peels?

I can see what was left of one decomposing
I should tell you about her
pin strait and fine of vision
I blur the line for the high hope we have for him
despite the hopes the boyful boy has dashed on my front steps
daylightrunsinthefamily. did you know that?
Did I trust you with that?
and this is when you ask where my void is
and I tell you it is beying filled and you tell me you have that shipment of music to fill it and I weep for shame of the con-gress I pursue.
Why won't you tell me of that shipment? i ask the air
I dismiss the answer it gives as misleading. lazy lying humid air.
shall I beat or bite?
I'll stir the flames, dig deeper this void.
I'm not throwing you, but placing you.
and I hope it throws me
into place...